A modern website is a living entity, which will evolve over time, mainly in response to market pressures and changes in the nature and scope of the business. As well as supporting the website technically, to ensure its continued reliable operation and its availability, we also provide a wide range of on-going services to maximise its value to you.
Prior to your website going live, you will have had online access to it on our development server. Once your website is ready to go live, it is transferred from our development server to its live location on one of our main web servers.
Initial Technical Support
Even with the most rigorous testing of a website by us and our customer beforehand, the program based nature of a modern website will almost inevitably still contain some minor errors when it goes live. We undertake to rectify any errors identified during the first three months of live operation at no additional charge. Just call or email us, and we will give it top priority.
On-Going Support & Modifications
Each customer is given access to an separate secure area within the website, which you can use to report any issues that arise with the website, request changes, etc. A support ticket is raised automatically for each topic, and you will be kept informed of actions arising from it through to its eventual closure. This enables you to keep track of each topic and to monitor their progress.
We will quote for any changes that are required. Wherever possible, we will quote a fixed price for each change, which will be agreed with you before the work is undertaken. In some cases, the amount of time required for some work cannot be estimated accurately in advance, so we will only be able to quote on a per diem basis.
Support Credits
We also offer a support credit service, which customers find preferable for more minor changes.
These credits are used in a variety of ways. It may be for a change that is beyond the scope of the online content management facility, although customers often ask us to maintain the content due to a lack of their own in-house resources. It may also be for data processing or assistance with the interpretation of website statistics and other data.
In this scheme, the customer purchases a certain number of support credits each quarter. These are then set off against any small changes that are made during the quarter. At the end of each quarter, the number of credits used during that quarter is jointly assessed and the number purchased for the next quarter is adjusted accordingly. This enables us to allow a certain amount of time each quarter to provide for this support alongside our on-going development work.
Unlike many quarterly subscriptions schemes, any unused credits are carried forward to the next quarter.