Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Google’s success was founded on the simple premise of delivering the most appropriate content in response to the keywords that were being search on by its visitors. The large number of people using Google then made its pages a value source of advertising revenue. It's not rocket science.

How many emails do you receive like this, offering to put your website ahead of the competition: -

“Want more clients and customers? 

We will help them find you by putting you on the 1st page of Google. 

Email us back to get a full proposal.”

As the saying goes, if its sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Accessibility by Google

All of the websites developed by Net4orce are readily accessible by Google, which is the first requirement for a high ranking.  Beyond that, getting the best ranking is all about the website content.  

Many websites in use today are still not search engine friendly, especially those that are template based.  Attempting any search engine optimisation for these websites is a complete waste of time, because Google and other search engines simply cannot see their content.  

The ranking of any website page is determined simply by the relative value that Google places on it.  Google is continually improving is ranking methods, partly to improve the service to its customers, and partly to foil those who try to cheat the system.  The principles remain the same as that always have; the more people that click through to a page and the more time that they spend on it, the higher it’s ranking in the search results.  

Every business wants to improve the ranking of their website in Google.  Google has laid down rules that are intended to prevent any artificial enhancement of the search engine performance of a website.  Any attempt to sidestep these rules can result in Google blacklisting the website, so care should always be taken in the choice of SEO specialist.  If it sounds too good to be true...

The Right Content

The best approach is to make each page in a website as unique as possible in addressing a particular topic and as informative, relevant and interesting to the visitor.  The keywords that are of most relevant to each page are then identified for inclusion in the page.  Those keywords that are of most relevance to each page must be woven into the textual content of the page. 

At the same time, the content of the page must attract and retain the visitor’s interest and encourage the visitor to move through the website with the ultimate aim of them making contact in some way.

At Net4orce, we employ copywriters who specialise in meeting this dual requirement.  We also work closely with our customers to ensure that we fully understand the website requirements and the likely visitor's interests in the context of the customer’s business.  This enables us to determine the optimum structure and organisation of the website, as well as the optimum content of each of page in relation to its search engine performance and its conversion rate.